Facebook Groups


If you are a donor conceived person who is over 18 years old and were conceived in the UK or a former UK donor who donated more than 18 years ago, and you would like access to the extensive support in our private DCUK Facebook group, please email us at info@donorconceiveduk.org.uk

Other facebook groups

Donor Conceived Best Practices and Connections
This is an excellent Facebook group for donor conceived people, donors, recipient parents and those considering or related to donor conception.

DNA for the Donor Conceived
A subgroup of DNA Detectives, this Facebook group was created especially to help donor conceived individuals and donors search for family members using DNA test results.

Worldwide Donor Conceived People Network
This group exists exclusively for donor conceived people (including those born of surrogacy) around the world.

Friends of Donor Conceived Individuals
A group to help friends of donor conceived individuals to learn how donor conceived people feel and the various obstacles and emotions we face.

We Are Donor Conceived
Donor conceived people around the world can share their perspectives on topics relevant to our community, connect with each other, and find support using this Facebook group, which also acts as a newsfeed for site-related content, including photos, stories, resources, and news updates