
  • History of Donor Conception in the UK

    1940’s: Artificial Insemination by Donor (AID) became available.  The first UK publication of a modern account of what was then called ‘Artificial Insemination by Donor’ (AID) was produced in the British Medical Journal. The doctor behind the research, Mary Barton, was vilified in the press and condemned worldwide. Dr. Mary Barton stated that over a period…

  • Our Community

    We are a growing community that has a presence online and also face-to-face. We have a wide range of members with a wide range of experiences of and opinions about being donor conceived or former donors. Everyone is free to have and share their own experiences. What unites us is that, we can all understand…

  • History of the Donor Conceived Register (DCR)

    This register, formerly known as UK DonorLink (UKDL), was set up in 2004. It followed a historic court case brought in 2002 by Joanna Rose and EM, a child (who could not be named because of her age) who claimed that their human rights as donor conceived people were being breached by being denied access…