History of the Donor Conceived Register (DCR)

This register, formerly known as UK DonorLink (UKDL), was set up in 2004. It followed a historic court case brought in 2002 by Joanna Rose and EM, a child (who could not be named because of her age) who claimed that their human rights as donor conceived people were being breached by being denied access to information about their donor ([2002] EWHC 1593 (Admin)). There had also been a long running campaign by donor conceived people and their allies (including some parents and donors), professional organisations and academics to lift donor anonymity. The UK government agreed to fund the register service in recognition that anyone affected prior to legislation being introduced in August 1991 – which included Joanna Rose – would not benefit from proposals to lift anonymity as the law did not cover medical records kept prior to that. Donor anonymity was lifted prospectively in the UK for anyone conceived after April 2005 (but only covers those conceived between August 1991 and April 2005 if the donor comes forward to voluntarily re-register as willing to be identified).

The register was the first anywhere in the world to use DNA testing as the basis for looking for genetic links between those affected by donor conception. It covers anyone conceived in the UK pre August 1991 through donated sperm, eggs or embryos, their donors and half-siblings (including the non donor-conceived offspring of donors). It has also always provided professional support and counselling services for all registrants and in particular for those wishing to exchange information and, where desired, to have direct contact where results suggest the strong likelihood of a genetic relationship.

​In 2013, the running of the register passed to the National Gamete Donation Trust and was renamed the Donor Conceived Register. In 2019 it transferred again, this time to the Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust. Since 2018 it has been funded by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (the fertility regulator). The current register service uses the laboratory at King’s College London to analyse DNA test results.

What is the Donor Conceived Register (DCR)?

This voluntary contact register, formerly known as UK DonorLink (UKDL) and then the Donor Conceived Register (DCR), was set up to enable people conceived through donated sperm or eggs, their donors and half siblings to exchange information and, where desired, to contact each other. The register is available throughout the UK and has historically been intended for anyone who donated in a UK clinic or was conceived following treatment in a UK clinic before August 1991. Those that were conceived or who donated after 1 August 1991 and up to end 2000 are welcome to use the register as well.

The register uses DNA testing performed by the laboratory at King’s College London to identify potential links between registrants. The administration of the DNA testing along with a counselling service is provided by the Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust.

The register has been running since 2004 and has led to a number of links between donors and their donor offspring and donor offspring sharing the same donor. Contact has taken place in various ways, dependent on the wishes of the parties involved. Information can be shared via an independent third party, emails can be exchanged or people can meet up in person.

DCR Counselling Service

If you are pre 1991 you are entitled to 2 free counselling sessions via the DCR service (then more at subsidised rate of £25 per session). You need to register with the DCR but are not required to submit DNA.

If you are post 1991 – pre 2001 (end of year 2000 is cut off) you are also entitled to 2 free counselling sessions via the DCR service (then more at subsidised rate of £25 per session). You need to register with the DCR but are not required to submit DNA.

If you are post 1991 you are entitled to 2 free counselling sessions PER DISCLOSURE EVENT (ie each new half sibling that pops up) via HFEA Support Services.

Basically those conceived post 1991 can use DCR AND go via HFEA so have access to more sessions. This overlap of services is up to and including those born in the year 2000. No matter what route to take you still end up in the same place, with Patricia and her team of therapists with Bruna doing the administration.

The DCR service provider, the Liverpool Women’s NHS Trust can be reached at, donorconceivedregister@lwh.nhs.uk.

Conceived after 1st August 1991?

Anyone conceived in the UK between 1st August 1991 and 31st March 2005 is able to access non identifiable information about their donor/donor siblings via the HFEA. You can discover how many donor siblings you have, their gender and what year they were born.

You can apply for this information through their website: https://www.hfea.gov.uk/donation/finding-out-about-your-donor/apply-for-information/. Just scroll down to the link which says “online application form for donor-conceived”.

You will find more details of what kind of information to expect here: https://www.hfea.gov.uk/donation/finding-out-about-your-donor/finding-out-about-your-donor-and-genetic-siblings/